How Write a Blog Post Like a BOSS!

When you’re looking for some great advice on how to write a blog post, you need to start with someone who has recent experience. The guidelines for writing a blog post in 2022 are going to be different from 2010, for example. There’s a lot of information out there about how to write a blog post, but it’s important you are taking advice from a qualified source, and one that is up to date on what’s working best currently.

There are so many topic ideas out there, it can be hard to know which ones you should post about. Also, you need to consider search engine optimization (SEO). Posts that are properly optimized will rank better in search, which means more eyes will be on them. Writing blog posts doesn’t have to be hard, but there are some challenges you may face, especially today.

The internet is swamped with content already. If you want to create blog content that stands out in the sea of posts already there, then it pays to learn a few things first. From choosing a topic to avoiding grammatical errors to completing the writing process, you can make the best pieces of content possible once you learn how.

Here are some techniques the experts use to help for all types of blog posts – whether you are selling products, sharing information, promoting yourself and your brand, or just looking to tell stories. This step-by-step guide will take you through the entire process.

How to Write a Blog Post Overview


adding a blog post

A blog post is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. But how do you go about writing a blog from scratch? Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Choose a topic that you’re passionate about. This will make it easier to write about and more enjoyable for your readers.
  2. Write in your own voice. This will help your blog posts feel more personal and relatable.
  3. Be concise. Blog posts should be easy to read and digest, so longer posts should be broken into subheadings.
  4. Use headlines and subheadings to break up your text and make it easier to scan. Keep your paragraphs shorter.
  5. Use images, videos, or infographics to add visual interest to your blog post.
  6. Use helpful links to direct your readers to additional resources on your topic.
  7. End with a call to action, such as inviting your readers to leave a comment or subscribe to your blog.

By following these tips, you can write blog posts that are both informative and engaging. Now, let’s dive into more details on how to actually craft your blog posts. Whether it’s your very first one, or you’re a seasoned blogger, this guide will help you.

Choosing Your Topic

choosing content topic


Before you start writing your blog post, it’s important to take some time to think about what you want to say. What is the purpose of your blog post? Are you trying to inform your readers, or entertain them? Once you know what you want to say, you can start thinking about how you want to say it. Do you want to write in a formal or informal tone?

With so much content already on the internet today, it can be difficult to choose a blog post topic. You want something that is interesting enough to capture your audience’s attention, but not so niche that it won’t appeal to a wide range of readers.

You also want to make sure that the topic you choose is something you are passionate about and have a lot to say on. The good news is, there are a few tried and true methods for picking the perfect blog post topic.

Additionally, you want to ensure the topics you write about are related to your blog domain and the purpose of your site. Topical relevance is important to search ranking and it also helps build authority. Your readers need to know what they can expect to read on your site. Don’t stray too far away from the main purpose of your domain without a good reason to do so.

How to choose your topic

There are different ways you can approach picking your topics. One approach is to look at popular topics in your industry and put your own spin on it. This could involve adding your personal experiences or taking a different angle on the issue.

Another option is to look for blog post topics that have been generating a lot of buzz lately. This could be something that is trending on social media or that has been in the news recently. If you can provide fresh insights on a current issue, you are more likely to capture your audience’s attention.

Finally, sometimes the best blog post ideas come from simply brainstorming with no filter. Write down any and every topic that comes to mind, no matter how crazy it may seem at first.

Once you have a list of potential topics, start narrowing them down based on the criteria above. With a little bit of effort, you should be able to find the perfect blog post topic in no time.

Know your target audience 

know your audience

Just as important as deciding what you’re going to write is knowing who you’re writing for. For example, if your blog is aimed at businesses, you’ll want to write about topics that are relevant to them, such as marketing tips or industry news. After all, you want your blog posts to be read by people who are interested in the topics you’re writing about.

There are a few different ways to go about finding out who your target audience is. One way is to look at the demographics of your blog’s existing readership.

Another way is to think about who would be most interested in the topics you’re writing about. You can also use social media to reach out to potential readers and get feedback about what they’re looking for in a blog.

Once you have a good understanding of your target audience, you can start tailoring your blog posts to fit their needs.

Brainstorming your topic

brainstorming topics

Before you can start writing your blog post, you need to come up with a topic. This can be harder than it sounds, especially if you’re stuck in a blog rut.

To get the creative juices flowing, try some of these brainstorming techniques:

    • Freewriting: Set a timer for 5-10 minutes and just write whatever comes to mind, without stopping to edit or overthink your ideas. This is a great way to generate a lot of possible blog post topics in a short amount of time.
    • Brainstorming with someone else: Get together with a friend or colleague and bounce ideas off of each other. You may be surprised at the quality of ideas that come from this collaborative effort.
    • Keep a running list: Whenever you think of a potential blog post topic, jot it down in a notebook or on your phone. That way, when you’re feeling uninspired, you can refer back to this list for some fresh ideas.

With a little bit of effort, you should be able to come up with a great blog post topic in no time.

Refine your topic with keyword research

Keyword research is an essential part of writing a blog post that people will actually want to read. Not only does it help you to choose a topic that people are interested in, but it also allows you to target specific keywords that people are searching for.

As a result, your blog post is more likely to show up in search engine results, and more people are likely to click on it.

The best way to do keyword research is to use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This tool allows you to enter a keyword or phrase and see how many people are searching for it each month.

You can also use this tool to find related keywords that you may want to include in your blog post. By doing some simple keyword research, you can make sure that your blog post is both relevant and popular.

Keyword research also helps you narrow down your blog post topic, so you know precisely what you are writing about and the purpose of your post.

Types of Blog Posts

When doing your research, you should also consider the types of blog posts that exist, and which type you may write. Here are some examples:

    • List posts
    • How-to posts
    • Question posts
    • Promise posts
    • Informational posts

Knowing the different types and how they are constructed can also help you with brainstorming your topic and writing your blog post.

Once you’ve selected your topic and determined what type of post it will be, it’s time for some research. This will be used for the “meat” of your post. Try to stay on the main topic and keep each blog post to one topic only. If you come up with other spinoff ideas while you’re writing this post, just save them in an idea bank to come back to later.

Researching Your Topic


research phase

When you’re writing a blog post, it’s important to do your research to make sure that your information is accurate. This can be done by looking for reliable sources, such as books, articles, or websites that are written by experts on the topic.

You can also look for blog posts or articles that have been recently published on the topic to get an idea of what is currently being discussed. Just be sure to never copy or plagiarize other content and that if you do use any information, you cite your sources properly. Once you’ve gathered your information, you can start writing your blog post.

Provide sources

Remember to include links to your sources so that your readers can check them out for themselves, unless this post is using all first-person experience to explain the topic. With a little bit of research, you can be sure that your blog post is informative and accurate.

Whenever you can take a couple of quick moments to look up current pricing, the direct URL to a source, or the name of a brand, product, or item that will help the reader, do it. This gives your post more authority and also makes it more helpful to the reader. They shouldn’t need to click away from your article and Google things you’re talking about. You should put all the essential info in the post for them.

Properly cite technical sources

For more technical topics, you may need to cite your sources. If you have personal experience, then you can use that as your source. Whenever you are using quotes from an expert, be sure to quote them properly and cite them correctly.

Research is an important part of creating a well-crafted blog post, but it’s also integral to building authority for your site. When you give properly researched information, you build trust with your audience.

Creating an Outline

Blog outlines are important because they help you organize your thoughts and keep track of what you want to say in your blog post. This is especially important if you have a lot of information that you want to include, or if you need to blog about a complex topic.

You don’t have to use an outline, but many people find them very helpful. By creating an outline, you can ensure that your blog post flows smoothly and that all the points you want to make are covered.

Additionally, an outline can help you save time when writing your blog post, as it will provide a road map for what you need to write.

Finally, an outline can also be helpful when editing your blog post, as it will allow you to see at a glance whether all of the required information is present. For these reasons, it is essential to create an outline before writing any blog post.

How to write your outline

Start with a main topic and then add subtopics, details, and examples. As you create your outline, keep in mind the overall goal for your blog post. By having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve, you can ensure that your writing stays focused and on track.

Remember, your outline is going to be your ultimate guide to your blog post. It helps you stay on topic and create a post with the correct flow to it, so that your blog readers can follow it all. It’s the backbone of a solid post.

Flesh Out Your Outline

Now that you have your outline full of all the main ideas you want to cover in your post, you just need to flesh those ideas out to fill in your article content.

If you’re like most people, when you sit down to write a blog post, you probably have a general idea of what you want to say. But then you start typing, and the words don’t come as easily as you thought they would. Suddenly, your outline feels more like a list of ideas than a clear road map to follow.

Don’t worry – this is perfectly normal! The best way to flesh out your article outline is to simply start writing. As you begin to put your thoughts into words, new ideas will inevitably come to mind. And as you keep writing, those ideas will start to gel and take shape. Before long, you’ll have a full-fledged blog post that’s ready to publish.

Write engaging content

First, try to focus on a single topic or theme per post. This will help to keep your readers focused and prevent them from getting overwhelmed with too much information. Next, be sure to use strong verbs and action-oriented language. This will help to inject some excitement into your writing and keep the reader engaged.

But what makes a blog post engaging? Here are a few tips:

    • Write in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read style.
    • Use short paragraphs and sentences.
    • Get to the point quickly.
    • Use strong headlines that grab attention.
    • Use images, infographics, and videos to break up the text and add visual interest.
    • Use questions, lists and quotes to make your blog post more interesting.
    • Use humor and personal stories to connect with your reader.
    • Encourage comments and interaction by asking questions and giving readers something to think about.

Pick Relevant Images

When creating a blog post, it is important to choose images that are relevant to the topic at hand. Not only do pictures add visual interest, but they can also help to convey a message or provide context for the text. And the data in your images can also be helpful to SEO.

When selecting photos for a blog post, be sure to choose images that are high quality and well composed. Additionally, make sure that the images you select are appropriate for the blog’s audience and fit with the overall tone of the blog. By taking the time to pick relevant and engaging images, you can ensure that your blog post will be successful.

And most importantly, make sure you have permission to use them! You cannot just Google images and then use them on your own sites. You may only use images that you took or made yourself, or that you have permission from the owner to use, such as those you purchase or obtain from royalty-free stock image sites.

You can create your own graphics with sites like and you can find free-to-use stock images at

Use video and other media

Whenever possible, consider using other types of media besides just images. Whether it’s a blog post, an educational tutorial, or even just a personal message, adding video can be a great way to engage your audience. Not only does it add a visual element that can help to capture attention, but it can also help to convey emotion and convey your message in a more personal way.

Craft an Awesome Title/Headline

crafting headlines

A blog post is only as good as its headline. A catchy, attention-grabbing headline is essential for drawing readers in and getting them to click through to your blog. But crafting the perfect headline can be a challenge.

The headline should explain what’s in the post. It should entice them to want to click and read more, but it should give an honest promise about what’s in store for them.

Here are some tips for writing an awesome blog headline:

  1. Keep it short and sweet. A headline should generally be no more than eight words long.
  2. Make it specific. A headline that is specific and targeted to your audience is more likely to grab their attention than a generic one.
  3. Use strong keywords. Include keywords that accurately reflect the content of your blog post and that people are likely to search for. This will help your blog post appear higher in search engine results pages, making it more likely to be seen by potential readers.
  4. Use numbers or lists. Headlines that include numbers or lists are often more successful than those that don’t. This is because they make the content of your blog post seem more digestible and easier to read.
  5. Be unique. Stand out from the crowd by writing a headline that is unique and different from anything else out there on the internet. This will help you capture your reader’s attention and make them want to learn more about what you have to say.

I often like to craft my headlines after I’ve written the post. This is how I make sure my title fits the post well, versus making the post fit the title. Even if you begin with a keyword phrase or topic as your title, you can wait until you’ve completed the post to fully flesh it out.

Creating Blog Post Templates

Finally, another technique that might help you is to create blog post templates that can serve as framework for you to write your articles. You can save these as a draft on your computer and each time you need to write a new blog post, pull out your template and you will have the bare bones of your post.

Blog post templates can help you save time, avoid forgetting important pieces of your blog posts, and they can also help you stay on track with what you’re writing. Many people find it easier to fill in a template and even the act of sitting down and starting with something, versus starting with a blank page, can make things easier.


With these tips and by following these steps, you can take your blog post from concept to completion in no time at all! The more you do it, the easier the process becomes, and you’ll be writing great, engaging blog posts whenever you want.

Do you have any tips on how to write a blog post that you’d like to share?